WRS announces its partnership with the CK-12 Foundation to expand its content repository with CK-12’s content and online learning resources. SAN JOSE, California — The World Refugees School (WRS) and the CK-12 Foundation signed a cooperation agreement. Both the WRS and the CK-12 Foundation are California-based non-profit organizations. The former specializes in leveraging technology to provide high-quality formal education to children in need worldwide, while the latter strives to increase access to low-cost K-12 education. With this agreement, CK-12’s content and...
Offering formal education within volatile regions globally, WRS proudly announces the successful delivery of its first wave of internationally accredited certificates to thousands of students within 6 different locations in North Syria. WRS, a nonprofit organization providing formal education for refugee and displaced children worldwide, officially received global accreditation for its K-12 program by City & Guilds of UK who has recently issued its Assured Approval for World Refugees School program, making it the first and only formally accredited refugee education program...
Proin in nisi pretium, ultricies massa non, sollicitudin urna. Phasellus rutrum luctus sollicitudin. Curabitur id quam neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer lobortis libero a sapien tempor, a convallis urna pellentesque. Aenean nec nulla eu ligula posuere vestibulum a sed libero. Aenean hendrerit eros id mauris faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum ut risus fermentum, pharetra erat quis, pretium tortor. Quisque a elit eu felis sagittis sollicitudin. Donec ornare finibus risus, in laoreet lorem...
Proin in nisi pretium, ultricies massa non, sollicitudin urna. Phasellus rutrum luctus sollicitudin. Curabitur id quam neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer lobortis libero a sapien tempor, a convallis urna pellentesque. Aenean nec nulla eu ligula posuere vestibulum a sed libero. Aenean hendrerit eros id mauris faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum ut risus fermentum, pharetra erat quis, pretium tortor. Quisque a elit eu felis sagittis sollicitudin. Donec ornare finibus risus, in laoreet lorem...